Item Component (IC) is a data container that stores a single type of value for the item. Each IC contains Attributes and a generic value. The specified IC will determine the type of the generic value. You can also use our template to create your own IC.

IC works well with our frameworks, such as solution and recorder. This means you do not need to care about the saving and loading actions. IC will take care of it.

Note that only the data in ICs will be promoted to the Saved Value for recording purposes.

Refer to Item, Item Parameter.

We provided a set of preset ICs for you to kick off your project quickly.


Transform is a particular IC. It binds the Unity Transform’s position, rotation, and scale. So, there is no custom value for this IC.

It also can cache the Position, Rotation, and Scale to other ICs. You can easily access its data using the caches.



In general, the pure types will be well supported. e.g., int, string, float, Vector3, and Quaternion and their list, dictionary, and hash set format.



Custom IC

This example shows how to use IC to bind the UI Text to the value. As our framework did not support saving any Unity Object Reference, this tech will allow us to maintain the reference after loading the values.

Refer to example: 2.Item Component Interface.
