Item is the primary object that the MCMC optimization process would invoke. It is a container that contains all the data that the MCMC optimizer would use.


The meta could define the item catalog or for another purpose. E.g., Chair, Movable, and Visible.

Refer to Evaluator Movement.


Saved Values

(Read Only)

The data listed in this section will be recorded in proper order during the MCMC process and saved and loaded for further review. Use the Preview button to preview what kinds of data will be saved.

Note that only the pure c# data will be recorded properly. e.g., int, float, string, array, list, dictionary, hash set, etc. Furthermore, no Unity Object Reference will be supported. e.g., Game Object, Mono Behavior, Scriptable Object, and so on.

Refer to Recorder.

Item Components

(Read Only)

It is the collection of those Item Components attached to this item.

Only the content of the Item Components will be promoted to the Saved Values. This mechanism will give you the ability to form your data structure flexible. Thanks to a set of preset Item Components, you could form your data structure with zero effort and even no coding needed.

Of course, you can also use the template to create your Item Components to form your specified data structure.

Refer to Item Component.