Although we have Visual Formula , you can still code up your evaluator for a specified cost term.

Base Class

Evaluator requires Item Component as input. It supports 0 or up to 5 inputs. The basis of the Evaluator is:

public abstract class Evaluator : EvaluatorGeneric {}

public abstract class Evaluator<T0> : Evaluator {}

// ...

public abstract class Evaluator<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4> : 
	Evaluator<T0, T1, T2, T3>

You can create an evaluator that supports more inputs according to this format.


You should override the Evaluate function. Here is the example of IntSumEvaluator

public override async Task<float> Evaluate()
    await Task.Yield();

    var items =   GetInvokedItems(); // Filtered by meta

    float sum = 0;

    foreach(var i in items)
        var f = i.GetItemComponent(attribute);
        if (f != null)
            sum += (int)f.GetValue();
            Debug.LogError($"[MCMC] Item {i} has not {attribute} Item Component");

    return Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(sum * 1.0f / maxNumber));

Smart Attribute Suggestion

Thanks to Odin Inspector, we can create our smart attribute suggestion engine that suggests the item attribute according to the input type smartly.

Here is the example of IntSumEvaluatorGeneric :

public class IntSumEvaluator : Evaluator<IntComponent>
    public string attribute;

You can increase the number of GetAttributesT0 according to the number of inputs to get the right attribute suggestion.