Although you can create your evaluator using our template. We also create a set of visual formulas for you to build the cost terms formula without any coding.

Visual Formula is a powerful tool designed to form the cost terms formula without any effort. It consists of a set of mathematical formulas. You can easily define any cost term by arranging and combining different mathematical formulas. More formulas are coming.

The Visual Formula is divided into two main components, cache and pure formula.


The goal of cache is to cache the Item’s data in a separate table. It can avoid accidentally modifying the Item data in the calculation and causing unnecessary surprises. You can do whatever you want with the cached data, and the changes would not be applied to the item’s data.


Pure Formula

It Computes the cached data and put the result into the cache.



Refer to Meta.


It is just a notebook. You can feel free to write down some notes here for future review or make a TODO list here.

Formula Notes Summary

It provides a chance to understand what this formula evaluator does quickly. You can click the Formula Notes Summary button to generate the summary.

Gizmos Drawers