Folder: Assets/GVL/MCMC/Examples/Dining Room Examples

Asset Required:

You may need to install the models **3D Beginner: Complete Project** from Asset-Store to run this example.

The models are free to download.

1. Tableware Arrangement


  1. Chairs must be on the floor
  2. Chairs gap
    1. The minimum gap distance between each gap.
    2. If the gap distance over the defined gap then the cost would be zero. Otherwise, the cost would be 0 - 1 accordingly.
  3. Chairs Must Be Closed To Table at a certain distance
  4. Chairs must face to the table.
  5. The distances between chairs and its neighbors must be the same.
  6. Chair group must align the table’s middle line
    1. The center of the chair group that all chair at the same side must align the table’s middle line
  7. Chairs must be with in the table area
  8. Chairs no overlap with each others