Folder: Assets/GVL/MCMC/Examples/Dining Room Examples
Asset Required:
You may need to install the models **3D Beginner: Complete Project** from Asset-Store to run this example.
The models are free to download.
1. Tableware Arrangement
- Chairs must be on the floor
- Chairs gap
- The minimum gap distance between each gap.
- If the gap distance over the defined gap then the cost would be zero. Otherwise, the cost would be 0 - 1 accordingly.
- Chairs Must Be Closed To Table at a certain distance
- Chairs must face to the table.
- The distances between chairs and its neighbors must be the same.
- Chair group must align the table’s middle line
- The center of the chair group that all chair at the same side must align the table’s middle line
- Chairs must be with in the table area
- Chairs no overlap with each others